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#TeamHaringey6 - 2nd Week of February Round Up

News / 11 February
Second week in to February and it has been jam packed for #TeamHaringey6; starting with Sharif Mussa coming in to speak with our Health & Social Care students about wellbeing and mental health.
Sharif Mussa is Peer Support Worker in North Middlesex University Hospital. In his role at the hospital, he uses his lived experience of mental health challenges to support others who may be going through similar experiences. #H6Experience
As part of Student Volunteering Week #TeamHaringey6 students who have always shown a great desire to volunteer and support their community went to the Committee Food Hub at Tottenham Town Hall which is led by Nims and his team. #CoachFranck had previously taken a few students over Christmas and they thoroughly enjoyed giving back.
#CoachFranck commented 'they did a great job over there and we are going to start volunteering as a college 1 day a month... so If you are interested in being part of this initiative, please let me know as staff are also welcome'. Contact coach Franck Franck.Batimba@haringey6.ac.uk #MoreThanACollege
#TeamHaringey6 UAL Level 3 Year 1 and 2 students visited Kew Gardens as part of their final major project on the theme of ‘Structures’ to gather some excellent photography of natural and manmade structures to inspire their artwork. The Final Major Project determines the student's overall grade for the course, and they are assessed on the quality of their visual research, the trip will help them achieve the highest quality research possible. Kew Gardens is a botanic garden in southwest London that houses the "largest and most diverse botanical and mycological collections in the world".
These pictures look fantastic and the students have said they really enjoyed this experience as it was netter viewing these images in real life then virtually #AmazingStuff #H6Experience
We had the pleasure of greeting former #HaringeyHawk Paul Njoku and his colleague Shahriar Amin, who has just qualified as a Junior Doctor. Paul works in Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.
Although very busy he wanted to come to his former training grounds to speak to our science students on one of his very few days off. #Amazing #H6Experience
As part of #NationalApprenticeshipWeek we had many different organisations including Royal Air Force, Met police, DWP, Taylor Woodrow, Haringey Works, NCS, Middlesex University Dorest Hall Nursery, Hanson UK and The Training Place speaking with our #TeamHaringey6 students about their next steps and different pathways #AmazingStuff #DiscoverTheDifference
Also this week #TeamHaringey6 BTEC ICT team and 35 students attended a Taster Day session at Brunel University.
During the taster session, the students experienced first-hand what it would be like to study at University. The students were shown example personal statements for those that have applied to the university, and they also took part in Games Design activities to give them a flavour of what they could expect to study if they were to choose Brunel University as one of their five UCAS choices.
The session concluded with a campus tour which gave the students the chance to explore what the many facilities that the university has to offer, and they were given the chance to ask any questions related to what they had just seen.
Reflecting on what they experienced during the day, the students came away from the taster feeling inspired and motivated to study at university and those that may not have been sure of studying at a higher level, have now become encouraged to consider that maybe university would be a good option for them after they have finished their studies with us at #H6
#TeamHaringey6 tutor Ritu did a practical with our BTEC Applied students Year 1 students this week in our new science lab.
To start with the students went though some calculations before beginning the practical. This sessions practicals are to develop students skills using science equipment and developing ways to handle chemicals safely and carrying out steps and procedures to make up a standard solution skills they had learnt last week. The students used the 0.5m copper sulphate solution they made to go to make up a further serial dilution.
The final part of the practical today was to put a sample from each copper sulphate serial dilution using a colorimeter to find out an unknown concentration of copper sulphate which was provided. #Wow #Fantastic
To end our week on a high before we break up for the February term our #TeamHaringey6 Entry and Foundation students created some stunning cards in preparation for #ValentineDay
I hope you all take this week break to reflect and re-charge and be ready for the next part of the term full of life, energy and ready to embark on new challenges as we are #TeamHaringey6 and as always we are #MoreThanACollege
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