Transition Process New Learners (SEND)

November – January

  • Consultations of Year 11 leavers sent by Haringey SEN to H6FC requesting placement within Learning for Life department. Documentation is reviewed by Learning for Life management and responses made to Haringey SEN within 14 days.
  • Parents of Year 11 learners and their schools are informed of consultation outcome.
  • Schools of accepted learners are contact to commence planning and implementation of transition for Year 11 leavers.
  • Pending availability, out-of-borough learners and those aged 17 and 18 are allocated places, whilst their Local Authority is informed.

February – April

  • Learner Cameos are provided by schools and shared with Learning for Life staff to ensure staff are better prepared for the new intake. The information is also used to help ensure learners are allocated to a class most conducive to their needs and level of ability. Further discussion and support are provided by the learner’s current school.
  • A provisional class list is shared with schools of new intake to ensure make-up is conducive to learner need
  • Meetings take place involving education, health and social care professionals regarding leavers to share and discuss support needs of those transitioning to Learning for Life department.
  • Transition visits are arranged with schools of Year 11s attending the Learning for Life department in September.

May – August

  • Correspondence is sent to parents confirming term dates and useful for the upcoming academic year.
  • Transition visits have taken place.
  • Key learner documents are transferred from their former school to the Learning for Life department.