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#TeamHaringey6 Week 15 Round Up

News / 17 December
As we begin to wind down this last full week of term there is definitely no stopping #TeamHaringey6 as we are still being influenced by external guests and we are still competing in our sports such as:
Volleyball where #TeamHaringey6 played against Barnet Southgate and won; it was great to see the positivity and respect between both sides. Well done to all the players.
The next day #TeamHaringey6 played against City, University of London
#Go #TeamHaringey6 #Go
#TeamHaringey6 had the pleasure of; 'For Us Films', a collective of local filmmakers who have set up an online platform to showcase the work young creatives, talked to our BTEC and A Level Media students about their experiences of working in the Media industry. They provided invaluable advice on how to make waves in the industry and discussed the possibility of providing shadowing opportunities for our learners. In the New Year they will return to deliver weekly workshop sessions, providing our learners with the skills they need to enter the industry, while also working with them to develop and produce their own projects that will be distributed on For Us Films global platform.
“This is a wonderfully exciting opportunity for our learners. Access to industry standard equipment, the possibility of working with media professionals, and having For Us Films platform to distribute their work, has the potential to be a life changing experience for our students.” Chris Brown, Media Studies Teacher.
“For Us Films inspired me. This is a great opportunity for all media students. I can’t wait to step-up to the challenge!” Soner Guldag, BTEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production, student.
Over the past few weeks #TeamHaringey6 IT students have been competing in a FIFA competition. It has been really exciting to watch how the students actually are. The semi-finals and the Big Final took place this week on the big screen in the lecture theatre. #GreatStuff #H6Experience
Last night #TeamHaringey6 staff had a Staff excellence award ceremony where we had an amazing turnout of staff and trustees, it was amazing to see our staff in a different environment letting their hair down especially as it was in such a fantastic venue - Tottenham Hotspur
Our CEO Russ quoted the following: A stunning evening, a stunning location for The Haringey Sixth Form College Staff Excellence Awards, providing staff recognition in this way adds to the College’s positive, productive, and innovative culture. It was amazing to see staff receive and appreciate heartfelt, sincere and specific recognition from their managers, leaders, and colleagues. Staff felt really feel good and we all know that when people do feel appreciated, their contribution leads to better results for our business, which means our amazing students. It was a great evening and I thank our sponsors and Board of Trustees for their support, the evening was a great success not just for the winners and those who were highly commended, but for all our staff, I know that we put people first at Haringey Sixth Form College, we are #TeamHaringey6 and I know we have staff after last night who feel even more appreciated, investing in our people means they will end up experiencing more self-worth and their ability to contribute to the college and student experience increases as a result, a great win. #MoreThanACollege
Check out our gallery of few highlighted pictures from the award ceremony of staff, trustees and sponsors #DiscoverTheDifference
(Below - From left to right - Highly commended awardee and winner with our sponsor; Harry Anderson from Rap interiors, Highly commended awardee and winner with our sponsor Innovate - Jay Pindolia, Staff with Trustee - Dave Wyatt, Trustee - Jean Brown, Trustee - Ayub Khan, Trustee - John Bevon and Our Sponsor John Woods of Hope in Tottenham)
As you can see our staff, trustees and sponsors looked amazing and were in high spirits given the year we have all had this year roll on 2022!
Hope you all have an amazing Christmas and Holiday Break as we all deserve this time out to reflect and re-charge and be ready for the next term full of life, energy and ready to embark on new challenges as we are #TeamHaringey6 and as always we are #MoreThanACollege
For students who are looking to apply for September 2021, please come in to college and see us!
Applications for 2022 open on Friday 1 October on our brand new website.
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