#TeamHaringey6 Health And Social Care students visit Karl Marx Memorial Library

Featured News / 10 May
Our #TeamHaringey6 #HealthAndSocialCare students visited the Karl Marx Memorial Library where they were given a tour and were provided with interesting historical facts regarding Karl Marx.
It was amazing to find out the Marx Memorial Library & Workers' School was founded in 1933 with the aim of advancing education, knowledge and learning in all aspects of the science of Marxism, the history of Socialism and the working class movement.
The trip brought to life the theory of Marxism, which our #H6 students can successfully apply to their Unit 10, Sociological Perspectives in Health and Social Care.
#AmazingStuff #H6Experience #MoreThanACollege
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Here is more information about our Health and Social Care and T-Level in Education and Early Years course !
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