#TeamHaringey6 Sport students visit Middlesex University

Featured News / 4 April
#TeamHaringey6 Sport students visited Middlesex University to participate in different Sports Science Taster Workshops in Biomechanics, Physiology and Strength and Conditioning.
The students found this experience very valuable as they were able to apply key theoretical concepts from what they have been learning in Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology, Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming and Unit 5: Application of Fitness Testing into the practical activities and understand how it would be used in improve Sports Performance.
The most challenging activity that the students faced was conducting the Astrand Cardiovascular Fitness Test, as it was the most difficult test to complete due to the complexity of it. However, the students demonstrated strong leadership, teamwork and initiative in this activity where they were asking questions from the Lecturer, delegated themselves in doing specific tasks and then supported other students so collectively, they were able to gain results and understand their levels of fitness
The most enjoyable activity that the students participated was when they challenged themselves physically by trying to find their 1 repetition max in the Bench Press and find out how strong they are in relation to their bodyweight.
It was a great opportunity for the students to experience what it would be like to study at an university. #H6Experience #MoreThanACollege
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