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- #TeamHaringey6 October 23 round up so far.....
#TeamHaringey6 October 23 round up so far.....

Featured News / 20 October
What a month for #TeamHaringey6 students!
We have had many school assemblies that our #CEO Russ has presented at, attended various school career fairs as well as had our first Open Evening event of the year.
- Dukes Assembly
- Heartlands Assembly
- Mulberry Academy Woodside
- Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
#TeamHaringey6 hosted a #MacMillanCoffeeMorning all part of raising awareness and funds for cancer research #Charity #MoreThanACollege
As part of Black History Month we had the African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust (ACLT) which is an independent UK charity for people with leukaemia and other life-threatening disorders. The ACLT aims to raise awareness on stem cell, blood and organ donation in the UK, with a particular focus on black and mixed race communities.
Also our catering staff throughout have been making African and Caribbean inspired lunches every week - very tasty indeed
Some of our students that gained a 95% and above attendance were invited to the Tottenham stadium for an NFL event.
The students took part in ten stations where they would complete football and American football drills/games. They got to play on the pitch and learn from Nike and Tottenham football coaches.
It was amazing to see how well our students performed especially as they had played the sport - it is great to our students build up on their #H6Experience
Our Level 2 sport and Level 3 Year 2 Sport students went on a tour of the Olympic park in Stratford.
This was to investigate the different sporting facilities that are available through the public sector (funded by the government). Looking at the impact on participation rates from having access to facilities that were used in the Olympic Games.
To investigate if there are any concession rates available and if the facilities have any programmes in place to encourage participation in sports and to support the community to overcome barriers.
The students have benefited from this trip by being able to experience the facilities that are available to them in a nearby area and find out more information on the prices and classes that they can participate in.
The learners had fun being able to explore different areas of the Olympic Park that they were unfamiliar with and discovering how accessible a variety of sports are to them in the area. They were able to go into the facilities and find interests in new sports such as cycling in the velodrome and swimming/diving in the aquatics center.
We really are #MoreThanACollege so it never hurts to say it again!
Enjoy Half-Term and make it a reflective week look forward to seeing you the week after for more learning, new activities and fun stuff as we are #MoreThanACollege
Applications for September 2024 are open - Apply Now on our website!
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