Health & Social Care


Course Information

Course TypeVocational
Course LevelLevel 1
Level 2
Level 3
Duration1-2 years




Health & Social Care (often abbreviated to HSC or H&SC) is a course that relates to services that are available from health and social care providers. This is a generic term used to refer to the whole of the healthcare provision infrastructure, public and private sector.

What will I study?

This course covers combined elements of psychology, sociology, biology, nutrition, law, and ethics.

Typically, students of Health and Social Care will have a work placement alongside their academic studies, such as placements in a special educational needs setting, residential home, hospital or other care establishments.

What makes Health & Social Care at #H6 different?

  • Key speakers from the NHS and Social Care Professionals will visit you.
  • You visit local community providers
  • You have the opportunity to work with local community providers
  • You will visit the theatre
  • You will visit medical Museums.
  • You are involved in activities to support assignment work and career/higher education progression.

How will I be assessed?

After the delivery of each unit of the course, you will be issued with an assignment, which covers a pass, merit and distinction criteria.

BTEC Level 1
Assessments are carried out through assignments and coursework.

BTEC Level 2 & 3
Assessments are carried out through assignments, coursework and externally marked exams.

Entry requirements

BTEC Level 1 A few GCSE grades 2 or below. However, you will be required to have an appropriate level of English.
BTEC Level 2 Either - Three or more GCSE grades 3 or above.
And/or - Level 1 Diploma in a relevant subject and a minimum GCSE grade 3 in English.
BTEC Level 3 Either - Four GCSE grades 9-4, including a minimum grade 4 in English or Maths.
Or - Level 2 Diploma at Merit or Distinction and a minimum GCSE grade 4 in English or Maths.



Progression routes

You can go on to a degree in nursing, midwifery, criminology, youth work, sociology, psychology, social work, social policy, teacher training or an HND in managing health and care services.

If you wish to go into employment or onto an apprenticeship straight away, you could work in a registered care home, the voluntary sector, a hospital or primary care trust.

Our Tutors

We are a team of experienced Health and Social subject specialists with a wealth of experience in teaching all topics associated with Health and Care.  Some of us are also industry specialists such as qualified nurses, who are also qualified teachers, working among us.  The team here at H6FC make your learning fun, interesting and engaging.  Most importantly your tutors will link everything you learn to a Health or Care setting, giving you ‘real world’ insight into what it’s really like to work in these sectors. 

Our students

Our amazing Health and Care students are committed, courageous, and extremely resilient.  Our students progress well between levels and almost all of our level 3 students go on to University or into the workplace.  Our staff and student possess the qualities needed to work in and inclusive Health and Care environment.  We care for one another by acting compassionately towards each other and keeping the lines of communication open in order to support one another.

Your Future

All tutors have health and care backgrounds, making us the perfect team to support and prepare you for your next steps in health and care careers.  We also have a careers team at H6 to help you gain your work experience placements in the very best institutions such as the NHS and local councils.  When applying for jobs or university our specialist team will assist in coaching you for entrance exams and interviews, such as those for nursing and midwifery university places. 

Future Careers

1. Nursing (all types)




3.Social Worker

8.Ocupational Therapist


9.Health Care Assistant


10.Nursing Associate